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The 2024 MoMENtum 360 Men’s Conference

PF Men’s Ministries’ MoMENtum Conference will be held August 23 & 24, 2024, at Life Church in Kissimmee. This annual conference engages the hearts and minds of men creating a spiritual momentum in their lives and the local church. Using national speakers, strategic equipping sessions, and relationship building activities & fellowship; the men are challenged and equipped to be the husbands, fathers, and leaders God has called them to be.

Testimony from MoMENtum Endurance Conference 2023

o   “Attending the Momentum Men’s Conference for the first time was an incredibly uplifting experience for… It was a great opportunity to connect with other Brothers in Christ and build new friendships…. (General and Equipping Sessions) provided valuable insights and practical advice on how to navigate various aspects of life as a man. I left feeling empowered and equipped to tackle any challenges that may come my way. Overall, the Momentum Men’s Conference was a game-changer for me. It reminded me that my faith is like a muscle that needs regular exercise to grow stronger. This weekend provided the perfect opportunity to strengthen that muscle and deepen my relationship with God. I am incredibly grateful for the experience and look forward to attending again next year.” -Justin

Check out some more testimonies from MoMENtum Endurance 2023

o “Attending the Momentum Men’s Conference for the first time was an incredibly uplifting experience for… It was a great opportunity to connect with other Brothers in Christ and build new friendships…. (General and Equipping Sessions) provided valuable insights and practical advice on how to navigate various aspects of life as a man. I left feeling empowered and equipped to tackle any challenges that may come my way. Overall, the Momentum Men’s Conference was a game-changer for me. It reminded me that my faith is like a muscle that needs regular exercise to grow stronger. This weekend provided the perfect opportunity to strengthen that muscle and deepen my relationship with God. I am incredibly grateful for the experience and look forward to attending again next year.” -Justin

o “I’ve never before been inspired and convicted at the same time and appreciated it for it all!” – Juan Lauriano

o “Momentum is an experience! To tell you the power of God moving in the building doesn’t give any idea of just how amazing it was…The general sessions always speak into my life, and my situations…in less than 24 hours, I had total strangers turned into brothers speaking into my life…Thank you, Pastors…staff…Thank you Jesus, for putting this on for us, every year it makes such a huge difference in the lives of us men” – Philip Somers Jr

o “I have been struggling with the dream I had that called me to ministry. Dr. Allen Griffin’s message spoke directly to me and I was encouraged after speaking with him after the service.” – Paul Baldwin

PF | Men
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