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A 360 MAN is a part of a Brotherhood of Men Who are not Willing to Stand By and watch the Spiritual Decline of Manhood in Our Nation!

What is a 360MAN?

360Man is a brotherhood of men who live out the full-circle (360-degree) faith found in Acts 2:42-47.

Every 360Man strives to walk closer with Christ and brings others alongside him as he lives out these values:


Every 360Man receives a Challenge Coin!

How I become a 360MAN

A 360Man commits to:

  1. Live a life of integrity in his identity, relationships, purpose, and vision.
  2. Support his home, his pastor, his church, and community.
  3. Invest $10 per month to help reach and disciple men in his home District/Network, and be part of a national 360Man movement.
PF | Men
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